A Manual of Occultism by Sephariel
Alchemy: Ancient and Modern by Herbert Stanley Redgrove
Arcane Schools by John Yarker
Biographia Antiqua - An Account of the Lives and Writings of the Ancient and Modern Magi, Cabalists, and Philosophers by Francis Barrett
The Coelum Philosophorum - The Science and Nature of Alchemy, and What Opinion Should Be Formed Thereof by Phillipus Theophrastus Paracelsus
The Corpus Hermeticum by individual treatises (and a different translation):
Hermes Trismegistus - His Secret Sermon of Regeneration, and the Profession of Silence, to His Son Tat
The Great Art - A System of Physics According to Hermetic Philosophy and Theory and Practice of the Magisterium by Dom Antoine-Joseph Pernety
The Kybalion - A Study of the Hermetic Philosophy of Ancient Egypt and Greece
Being a Complete System of Occult Philosophy.
Being a Complete System of Occult Philosophy.